Hoosier Okie?

Hoosier Okie?
True stories of the artists, fathers, and pranksters;
Daniel Edwards and Xvala.
“As an English art critic based in London, England, I was introduced to America’s contemporary art scene, highlighting amazing artists, their surprising stories and unique artworks, that I’d probably have overlooked if not for reading Rolnik’s new book.”
“A wild yet true story of two interesting art world characters that pops off the page thanks to the enthusiasm and energy of Rolnik.”
Hoosier Okie? is the true story of how two fathers from the Midwest conquered the art world, created fake news, and met in the middle of their careers. Together they would build a 4,000sqft home as a work of art inspired by Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in rural Oklahoma. Their names are Daniel Edwards and Jeff Hamilton (Xvala).
Daniel Edwards is most well-known for his sculpture of Britney Spears giving birth on a bear skin rug. Though, he has created countless pieces outlined in this book; from severed celebrity heads to nude tween idols.
Jeff Hamilton, under the guise of Xvala, received over 4,000 signatures on a petition for him to cancel an art show featuring leaked nude photographs of Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton. He’s also been through the garbage of Silicon Valley’s most famous entrepreneurs.
213 Pages
6" x 9"