Daniel Rolnik Gallery - Apron
When I opened Daniel Rolnik Gallery, I had this funny problem whenever someone paid me cash. I would take out my personal wallet and either put the cash in or give the customer change. It always seemed kind of weird for me to do this, so I wanted to come up with a solution that wasn't a cash register because I was afraid someone would try to rob me at gunpoint if I had one. I've got a weird imagination.
At DesignerCon, I remembered that Bwana Spoons always rocked this sort of half apron thing for this exact reason. Actually, a lot of people who had done comic conventions had one. It tied at the waist and had the apron pockets but didn't go up around the neck like a classic apron. I guess it's what the people at arcades had that you would buy tokens from.
I thought it would be fun to have a full apron, rather than the half-sized one, so I went on Zazzle and uploaded my design. I initially printed two of them, one of which I have and the other I gave to one of the interns at the gallery who was saying that their clothes always got ruined in art school.
I wanted the design to mimic a 'Lucky Strikes' logo. I figured if I mimic'd something with the name lucky, it would bring me luck in the gallery. That's what I figured with having three little dudes on there too, three must be a lucky number somewhere, right? And the apron was born. It sort of became a signature thing I would wear at the gallery and I found it made me feel more comfortable around strangers. It was like my work clothes. Also, they stopped my clothes from being covered in paint whenever I would change the colors of the walls or work on some new project.
Daniel Rolnik (c) wearing the apron at the opening reception of "Girl Scouts & Adventure Guides" (Aug 2015) - with male nipple stickers by Micol Hebron.