Outside The Lines, Too
Cover of "Outside The Lines, Too" (L) and Daniel Rolnik's illustration "Huggosaurus" (R)
Outside The Lines, Too (2015)
I created a fun illustration for the coloring book Outside The Lines, Too. The book was curated and put together by Souris Hong - who runs the popular Twitter/blog Hustler of Culture. The book was published, Sept. 2015 by Penguin. Souris put together a really fun signing event at the MOCA in Los Angeles. Almost all of the artists were there, including me. I was seated at one of the first tables that visitors could go to and I thought rather than sign or do a drawing in everyone's book, I would give out candy and spray them with silly string. The most fun was having kids spray their parents or parents spray their kids. However, I did feel bad about telling a dude that silly string doesn't stain just before watching his friend hit him right in the chest with some definitely forever-marking strings. Sorry, bro!
Outside the Lines, Too: An Inspired and Inventive Coloring Book by Creative Masterminds